Kim Basinger
Ralph Lauren Fashion Show 2014

Hollywood beauty Kim Basinger has had a rollercoaster of a life.
Whether it be hitting the headlines during a vicious custody battle with ex husband Alec Baldwin over daughter Ireland; or her well publicized battle with agoraphobia, Kim, now 60, hasn't had the picket fence peace her charmed blonde looks seem to mark her out for.
It's hard to imagine any of that turmoil ever occurred, however, when you cast your eyes upon the actress at 60; all poise, style and inherent sexiness.
The glacial blonde looked unruffled as she showed off her masculine-tailored Ralph Lauren suit at the designer's New York Fashion Week show on Thursday.
With her hair slicked back to show off her still clearly delineated features, Basinger was the epitome of sass with merely a monochrome palette to highlight her platinum blonde.
Make-up was refined to the bare essentials in keeping with the look.
Basinger has overcome crippling shyness she developed at an early age.
Despite success as a beauty queen and actress, Kim has revealed that she suffered horrific panic attacks in her 20s.
She said: 'My hands were shaking. I was sweating so profusely, I could not move. I made it to my car and remember getting the keys in the ignition, cranking the car up, taking the back roads to my home and parking. I didn’t leave the house for six months.
60 anni e non sentirli. Che Kim Basinger abbia fatto un patto con il diavolo appare sempre più evidente, vista l'incredibile bellezza che l'attrice continua ad ostentare ancora oggi, presenziando alla New York Fashion Week.
Meravigliosa nei panni 'maschili' di un abito Ralph Lauren, la Basinger ha calamitato paparazzi e applausi scroscianti da parte dei presenti alla sfilata, grazie ad un'eleganza, una sensualità e un fascino che ancora oggi appaiono irresistibili. Premio Oscar nel 1998 come Miglior Attrice Non Protagonista per L.A. Confidential, Kim è da poco tornata sul grande schermo grazie al film Grudge Match, al fianco di Robert De Niro e Sylvester Stallone, per poi firmare un nuovo contratto con un'agenzia di moda, la stessa della figlia Ireland, avuta 19 anni fa con Alec Baldwin.
Al suo fianco, in prima fila alla sfilata, il fotografo ed amico Bruce Weber oltre all'intera famiglia Lauren, ovvero Andrew Lauren, Lauren Bush Lauren, David Lauren, Ricky Lauren e Dylan Lauren, ma a spiccare, era inevitabile, è stata proprio la Basinger versione 'androgina'. Un tempo sex symbol e in grado di scatenare gli ormoni di mezzo mondo sulle note di You Can Leave Your Hat On, colonna sonora di 9 Settimane e Mezzo, Kim è così prepotentemente tornata a quegli abiti maschili già indossati nel lontano 1986, sul set del film di Adrian Lyne.
Il boom cinematografico, inutile dirlo, tra la fine degli anni 80 e i primi anni 90, grazie a film come Batman, Fuga dal mondo dei sogni, Ho sposato un'aliena, Getaway e Prêt-à-Porter, fino all'Oscar un po' a sorpresa vinto nel 1997 grazie alla meravigliosa pellicola di Curtis Hanson, che la vide battere agguerrite rivali come la Julianne Moore di Boogie Nights - L'altra Hollywood e la splendida Gloria Stuart di Titanic. Dopo la statuetta il lento declino, intervallato da pellicole come 8 Mile e The Burning Plain - Il confine della solitudine, fino al ritorno di questo 2014. Più in forma che mai.
The last few years she rarely appears in secular activities. But now life is a famous actress Kim Basinger (Kim Basinger) is a bit like a roller coaster. After nearly eight years of voluntary seclusion Kim returned to the lifestyle accustomed to celebrities. And it seems that it is quite satisfied.
Before the 60-year-old actress appeared at a fashion show Ralph Lauren, held in New York during the fashion week. Kim looked wonderful. You can say a true lady with a touch of androgyny now fashionable black pantsuit and white blouse with a black insert, hair, carefully assembled in a classic “pony tail” light makeup.
Basinger is rarely seen at fashion shows, but right now it is a kind of professional duty. Late last year, the actress has agreed to cooperate with the agency IMG Models. Incidentally, the agency also represents the interests of her daughter Baldwin Island (Ireland Baldwin).
It was reported that Kim will take part in various photo shoots with her daughter. Likely to resume modeling career actress decided solely for the beloved child.
Earlier Island has repeatedly stressed that her mother looks great . “I sometimes think that it is quite a bit older than me. Her body, I swear, it is awesome. “
Recall Basinger began their careers as models. At age 17, she won the state competition “Miss Georgia”, then moved to New York, participated in the “Miss America” ??began to work in the modeling industry. In an interview, the actress admitted that, when he was quite a famous model, in my twenty years, she has not once felt terrible panic attacks. “Sometimes my hands were shaking. I am very much sweating, could not budge - told Star. - I tried to get to the car and had difficulty getting up it. I then went to the house of detours. Sometimes I do not leave the house for six months. “
Kim Basinger ha fatto un patto con il diavolo o ha scoperto la fonte dell'eterna giovinezza. Qualunque sia il suo segreto, una cosa è certa, l'attrice non segue il normale corso di invecchiamento dei comuni mortali. A 60 anni è bellissima come quando ne aveva venti. Non sorprende affatto che l'agenzia di moda per cui lavora la figlia, si sia data da fare per metterla sotto contratto. Ebbene sì, quante altre donne sono in grado di ottenere un contratto da modella nel pieno della mezza età?
L'attrice era presente alla New York Fashion Week, dove ha indossato un abito dal taglio maschile di Ralph Lauren. Talento che incontra l'eleganza, la sensualità, il fascino ed una bellezza apparentemente eterna. Kim Basinger è riuscita a catalizzare l'attenzione dei media presenti, che non hanno potuto fare a meno di notare che a 28 anni di distanza il suo magnetismo è lo stesso dei tempi di "9 settimane e mezzo".
Kim Basinger braved the snow to sit front-row at Ralph Lauren’s show in the West Village.
“I love him and I have for many years,” she told us.
Basinger, who signed a modeling contract with IMG and wore Lauren to a recent film premiere - sparking speculation she could appear in ads for the designer - admired how Lauren’s wife Ricky, daughter Dylan and son David attend a private presentation before later shows for editors and buyers: “I love that .?.?. That’s collectively a beautiful energy.”