ANNO: 1983
REGIA: Irvin Kershner
DURATA: 134 minuti
ATTORI: Kim Basinger, Sean Connery, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Barbara Carrera
TRAMA: Sean Connery è per l'ultima volta l'agente segreto James Bond. Quando due testate nucleari vengono rubate dall'organizzazione criminale SPECTRE, 007 viene catapultato in una corsa esplosiva e mozzafiato per salvare il mondo dai terroristi! Con lui nel ruolo di Domino Petachi, una splendia Kim Basinger
Il film non fa parte della serie originale poiché non è stato prodotto dalla EON Productions di Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli e dalla United Artists. Questo Mai Dire Mai è il remake non ufficiale di "Agente 007 - Thunderball: Operazione tuono".
Il film venne particolarmente apprezzato dalla critica tanto che Ian Christie, sul Daily Express, disse che questo episodio della saga era "uno dei migliori". Anche Derek Malcolm, sul The Guardian, si espresse positivamente.
Kim, al momento della firma come Domino Petachi non aveva visto nessun film della saga di James Bond.
Per questo e per I Miei Problemi Con Le Donne - entrambi film del 1983 - Kim venne votata come Star Of Tmorrow dal National Association of Theater Owners.
One of two 1983 movies starring actress Kim Basinger. The other film was the Blake Edwards' I miei problemi con le donne (1983). Basinger was voted 'Star of Tomorrow' by the National Association of Theater Owners for both these two movies.
Kim Basinger had never seen a Bond film when she signed on as Domino.Sean Connery venne pagato 5 milioni di dollari il che lo rese l'attore brittannico più pagato del momento.
Rowan Atkinson interpreta un cameo nelle vesti di Nigel Small Fawcett.
Un giovanissimo Steven Segal interpretò il ruolo dell'istruttori di arti marzialiA. Durante le riprese ruppe il polso di Sean Connery. La motocilcetta usata da Bond è una Yamaha Turbo Seca.
Barbara Carrera (Fatima Blush) si rifiutù di usare una controfigura per le scene d'amore tra lei e Sean Connery
COMPENSO DI KIM: 175.000 Dollari più 75.000 overtime.
BUDGET: 36 Milioni di dollari con un incasso mondiale di 160 milioni di dollari.
Nel week-end di apertura (9 ottobre 1983) incassò 13.188.07$ debuttando al primo posto.
Al noleggio negli Stati Uniti d'America il film incassò 28,200,000$, mentre l'incasso totale fu di 68,750,000$
INCASSI: Boxofficemojo
Kim ha sempre affermato di non essersi trovata bene sul set di "Mai dire mai" e di essere sempre stata considerata solo una Bond-girl. Inoltre Kim asserì anche di essere stata baciata da Sean Connery quando lei andò nella sua camera dell'hotel per fargli gli auguri di Natale.
PAROLA MIA: Uno dei migliori film della saga. Sean Connery, nonostante nel film avesse 52 anni risulta sempre credibile e nella parte. Il ruolo di Kim è di rilievo e la sua bellezza è mozzafiato. Da antologia il tango che balla con James Bond. Un vero cult. Il primo film che rese Kim Basinger una vera star.
DIRECTOR: Irvin Kershner
RUNNING TIME: 134 minutes
CAST: Kim Basinger, Sean Connery, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Barbara Carrera
PLOT: Sean Connery returns to the mantel of 007 one last time in this 'unofficial' 1983 James Bond adventure. 007 must track down the villainous Maximilian Largo, SPECTRE agent and terrorist, before he sets off two stolen nuclear bomb.
REVIEW/TRIVIA: Although Never Say Never Again stars Sean Connery as James Bond, and although the story is based strongly on Thunderball (which is considered part of the official 007 series), Never Say Never Again has always been billed as an ‘unofficial’ Bond film, for the simple reason that it was not originally produced/released under the Eon/MGM/UA mantle, and was intended as competition for the official series.
Never Say Never Again was broadly welcomed and praised by the critics: Ian Christie, writing in the "Daily Express", said that Never Say Never Again was "one of the better Bonds",[46] finding the film "superbly witty and entertaining.
Derek Malcolm too, in "The Guardian" showed himself to be a fan of Connery's Bond, saying the film contains "the best Bond in the business".
One of two 1983 movies starring actress Kim Basinger. The other film was the Blake Edwards "The Man Who Loved Woman".
Basinger was voted 'Star of Tomorrow' by the National Association of Theater Owners for both these two movies.
Kim Basinger had never seen a Bond film when she signed on as Domino.
Sean Connery was paid 5.000.000$, which made him the highest paid british actor to date.
The motorcycle that Bond uses is a Yamaha 650 Turbo Seca. The actor Rowan Atkinson played Nigel Small Fawcett.
A young Steven Seagal was the martial arts instructor for this film. He broke Sean Connery's wrist during training.
Barbara Carrera (Fatima Blush)did her love scenes with Sean Connery herself, declining the offer to use a body double.
KIM'S SALARY: 175.000$ and 75.000$ overtime.
BUDGET: 36.000.000$.
The film went on general release in the US in 1,500 cinemas on 14 October 1983and had its UK premiere at the Warner West End cinema in Leicester Square on 14 December 1983. Worldwide, Never Say Never Again grossed $160 million. In its first opening weekend (October, 9, 1983) the film grossed 13.188.07$ and the movie debuted in first place.
BOXOFFICE: Boxofficemojo
RENTAL: $28,200,000 (USA)
$68,750,000 (Worldwide)
Kim said during the filming was unhappy. She was considered just bond girl.
Kim also claimed "I went in his dressing room and wish him Merry Christmas and he grabbed me adn started kissing me. I think he wanted to do more. I had to sort of wrestle away from him"
One of the best films of the saga. Sean Connery, although was 52, is always credible. Kim has an important role and her beauty is breathtaking . A real cult the tango that Domino dances with James Bond . It was the first Kim's blockbuster .