15Maggio 2013
Eccomi, sono
tornato con alcune rare foto di Kim Basinger
back with some new rare photos of Kim Basinger...
una rarissima foto del 1974. Kim Basinger posa per pubblicizzare un bikini nella
famosa rivista McCall's
Here a very rare
photo from 1974 of our beloved Kim Basinger in bikini when she was a very famous
model. She was the modeling for the McCall's magazine and she was on the cover
of magazine wearing a bikini.
invece, una foto di Kim Basinger con Jean Meurice. Io non so chi egli sia.
Potrebbe essere un personaggio famoso come un fan di Kim. Siamo all'incirca nel
1989 e credo al festival di Deauville in Francia quando Kim sponsorizzò il suo
film Batman
In this photo Kim is with Jean Meurice. I dont'know him. He could be a famous or
just a Kim Basinger's fan. The photo was taken around 1989 in France when Kim
Basinger was at Deauville for supporting her film Batman.
foto, invece, sono state scattate al Deauville film festival nel 1989
These photos, instead, was taken at Deauville film festival on 1989