ANNO: 1997
REGIA: Curtis Hanson
ATTORI: Kim Basinger,Russel Crowe, Guy Pearce, Danny De Vito, Kevin Spacey
TRAMA: 1950, Los Angeles è lo sfondo squallido per questo intricato noir sulla corruzione della polizia di Hollywood . Tre diversi poliziotti sono tutti oltre la verità, ognuno nel proprio stile: Ed Exley, il ragazzo d'oro della polizia, disposto a fare qualsiasi cosa per andare avanti, ad eccezione di vendersi; Bud White, pronto a rompere le regole per chiedere giustizia, ma a malapena in grado di mantenere sotto controllo la sua violenza ; Jack Vincennes, sempre alla ricerca di celebrità e del dollaro facile, fino a quando la sua coscienza lo spinge a unirsi Exley e White lungo il percorso a senso unico per trovare la verità che si cela dietro il mondo oscuro del crimine di Los Angeles.
Nel suo primo weekend di apertura il film si posizionò al quarto posto incassando 5.211.198$$. Il pubblico e la critica amarono questo film: "Il miglior film noir di tutti i tempi".
"Il miglior film dell'anno"
"Dark e delizioso".
In totale in U.S.A incassò 64.616.940$. In tutto il mondo invece :126.216.940$
Il film vinse 2 Oscars:
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale e Miglior Attrice Non Protagonista.
Il regista Curtis Hanson ha detto che Kim Basinger è sempre stata l'unica scelta per il ruolo di Lynn Bracken.
Ad Anjelica Huston e Kate Capshaw fu offerta la parte di Lynn Bracken, ma entrambe rifiutarono.
Molti degli attori in questo film hanno girato un film sui super eroi. Russel Crowe e Kevin Spacey nella saga di Superman (Men of Steel - Superman Returns). Kim Basinger e Denny De Vito, nella saga di Batman (Batman - Batman Returns), Guy Pearce in Iron Man 3 e James Cromwell in Spiderman 3
Il film include 3 attori vincitori di Oscars (Kim Basinger - Russel Crowe - Kevin Speacy) e tre attori nominati all' Oscar (Dann De Vito - James Cromwell e David Strathairn)
Il film che Budd e Lynn stanno guardando è Vacanze Romane
Rollo Tommasi è il nome di una rock band canadese The Sheepdogs.
Prima delle riprese del film Curtis Hanso ha protato Guy Pearce e Russel Crowe per 2 mesi a Los Angeles per farli immergere meglio nell'atmosfera del film, fargli imparare il dialetto e gli ha fatto vivere la vera vita dei poliziotti.
E' il film di debutto per Simon Baker
Il film ha 80 parti parlate
Il ruolo di Bud White fu offerto anche a Michael Madsen
Il film è basato sul libro di James Ellroy
Sono state usate 45 differenti location.
Il film è stato girato a Los Angeles
A sud di Los Angeles, nel Midtown District c'è il negozio di liquori di "Nick" dove Bud incontra per la prima volta la sosia di Veronica Lake, Lynn Bracken (Kim Basinger). Il negozio si chiama Ramon’s Cane Shop, situato al 1277 South Cochran Avenu
Il film ha ricevuto 9 nomitation agli Acadamey Awards '98:
Miglior attrice non protagonista
Kim Basinger
Miglior scrittura, sceneggiatura basato
Brian Helgeland, Curtis Hanson
Miglior fotografia
Arnon Milchan, Curtis Hanson, Michael G. Nathanson
Miglior regia
Curtis Hanson
Best Scenografia
Dante Spinotti
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
Jeannine Oppewall (art director), Jay Hart (set decorator)
Miglior Suono
Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, Kirk Francis
Best Film Editing
Peter Honess
Best musica, Colonna sonora
Jerry Goldsmith
Kim Basinger ha vinto il suo primo premio Oscar come Miglior Attrice Non Protagonista nel ruolo di Lynn Bracken agli Academy Awards
Kim Basinger ha vinto il suo primo Golden Globe
come Miglior Performance di un attrice Non Protagonista ai Golden Globe Awards
Kim Basinger ha vinto lo the Screen Actors Guild Awards as Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role allo Screen Actors Guild Awards
Kim Basinger Vinse il SEFCA come Miglior Attrice Non Protagonista al Southeastern Film Critics Association Awards
Il film fu nominato ai:
Golden Globe come:
Miglior Film Drammatico
Miglior Regia
Miglior Sceneggiatura
Miglior Colonna Sonora
ASC Award (Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Theatrical Release) agli American Society of Cinematographers
Silver Condor
(Miglior film straniero) ai Argentinean Film Critics Association Awards
Excellence in Production Design Award
Feature Film all' Art Directors Guild
Palme d'Or al Cannes Film Festival
Il film vinse:
Best Foreign Film Award to Australian Film Institute
Saturn Award all' Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films come Best Action/Adventure/Thriller Film
ACCA come:
Miglior film
Migliore sceneggiatura non originale
Miglior cast agli Awards Circuit Community Awards
Award of the Japanese Academ to Awards of the Japanese Academy
BAFTA Film Award come
Miglior Montaggio
Miglior film Miglior Suono
(Kim fu nominata come Miglior Attrice Protagonista )
BMI Film Music Award to BMI Film & TV Awards
BSFC Award as Best Film
Best Director
Best Supporting Actor
Best Screenplat
agli Boston Society of Film Critics Awards
Best Cinematography Award alla British Society of Cinematographers
Critics Choice Award as Best Film Miglior sceneggiatura non originale al Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards
BUDGET: 35.000.000
BOXOFFICE: Boxofficemojo
COMPENSO DI KIM: 3.000.000$
PAROLA MIA: La miglior Kim di sempre. Un cast all star per un film di alto livello. Un vero capolavoro.
YEAR: 1997
DIRECTOR: Curtis Hanson
CAST: Kim Basinger, Russel Crowe, Guy Pearce, Danny De Vito, Kevin Spacey
PLOT:1950's Los Angeles is the seedy backdrop for this intricate noir-ish tale of police corruption and Hollywood sleaze. Three very different cops are all after the truth, each in their own style: Ed Exley, the golden boy of the police force, willing to do almost anything to get ahead, except sell out; Bud White, ready to break the rules to seek justice, but barely able to keep his raging violence under control; and Jack Vincennes, always looking for celebrity and a quick buck until his conscience drives him to join Exley and White down the one-way path to find the truth behind the dark world of L.A. crime
In the first weekend opening the movie placed at 4th place grossing 5.211.198$. The critics and the viewers publics both love the movie: "The best noir ever".
"The best movie of the year".
"Dark and Delicious"The movie". grossed 64.616.940$. The worldwide gross was:
The Movie won 2 oscars:
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Director Curtis Hanson stated that Kim Basinger was the first and only choice for the role of Lynn Bracken.
Anjelica Huston and Kate Capshaw were each offered the role of Lynn, but both of them turned it down.
Several of the actors in the movie have also starred in superhero movies. Russell Crowe and Kevin Spacey both starred in Superman films (Spacey, Superman Returns and Crowe, Man of Steel). Danny DeVito and Kim Basinger both starred in the same Batman franchise (Basinger, Batman and Devito, Batman Returns). Guy Pearce starred in Iron Man 3. And finally, James Cromwell was in Spider-Man 3.
The movie that Lynn and Bud are viewing is Roman Holiday.
Rollo Tomasi is the name of a song by Canadian rock band The Sheepdogs.
Before filming began, Curtis Hanson brought Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce to Los Angeles for two months to immerse them in the city and the time period. He also brought them dialect coaches and introduced them to real-life cops.
Simon Baker's big screen debut.
The movie is based on a novel by James Ellory
The film has 80 speaking parts
The role of Bud White was supposedly offered to Michael Madsen.
The film used 45 different locations.
The movie was shooted in L.A.
To the south of L.A., in the Midtown district, is ‘Nick’s Liquor Store’ where Bud White first sees Veronica Lake look-alike Lynn Bracken (Kim Basinger), which is Ramon’s Cane Shop, 1277 South Cochran Avenu
The movie has received 9 nomitation to Acadamey Awards '98:
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Kim Basinger
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Brian Helgeland, Curtis Hanson
Best Picture
Arnon Milchan, Curtis Hanson, Michael G. Nathanson
Best Director
Curtis Hanson
Best Cinematography
Dante Spinotti
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
Jeannine Oppewall (art director), Jay Hart (set decorator)
Best Sound
Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, Kirk Francis
Best Film Editing
Peter Honess
Best Music, Original Dramatic Score
Jerry Goldsmith
Kim Basinger won her first Oscar as Best Actress In Supporting Role As Lynn Bracken To Academy Awards
Kim Basinger won her first Golden Globe
as Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture To Golden Globe Awards
Kim Basinger won the Screen Actors Guild Awards as Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role to Screen Actors Guild Awards
Kim Basinger won SEFCA as: Best Supporting Actress to Southeastern Film Critics Association Awards
The movie was nominated at: Golden Globe to Picture To Golden Globe Awards as:
Best Motion Picture - Drama
Best Director - Motion Picture
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Best Original Score - Motion
ASC Award (Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Theatrical Release) to American Society of Cinematographers
Silver Condor
(Best Foreign Film) to Argentinean Film Critics Association Awards
Excellence in Production Design Award
Feature Film to Art Directors Guild
The movie was nominated at Palme d'Or to Cannes Film Festival
The movie won:
Saturn Award to Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films as Best Action/Adventure/Thriller Film
Best Foreign Film Award to Australian Film Institute
ACCA as:
Best Motion Pictures
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Cast Ensamble
to Awards Circuit Community Awards
Award of the Japanese Academ to Awards of the Japanese Academy
BAFTA Film Award as:
Best Editing
Best Sound
Best Film
(Kim was nomitated as Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role)
BMI Film Music Award to BMI Film & TV Awards
BSFC Award as:
Best Film
Best Director
Best Supporting Actor
Best Screenplay
ai Boston Society of Film Critics Awards
Best Cinematography Award to British Society of Cinematographers
Critics Choice Award as Best Film Best Screenplay Adapted to Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards
BUDGET: 26.000.000$
BOXOFFICE: Boxofficemojo
KIM SALARY 3.000.000$
The best Kim ever. An all star cast for an high level movie . A masterpiece