ANNO: 1985
REGIA: Robert Altman
ATTORI: Kim Basinger, Sam Shepard
TRAMA: May è in attesa del suo ragazzo
in un motel americano fatiscente ,
quando si presenta una vecchia fiamma dl suo ragazzo che rischia di minare i suoi sforzi e
trascinarla nuovamente nella vita dalla quale stava scappando. La situazione diventa ben presto complicata .
Il film girato a El Dorado e a Las Vegas fu un vero flop al botteghino.
Debuttò nel weekend del 6-8 dicembre del 1985 in soli due cinema raccimolando alla fine 836.156$.
Le recnsioni furono negative, ma Kim conobbe Ron Britton. I due si sposarono qualche tempo dopo.
Robert Altman venne nominato per la Palma D'oro al Festival di Cannes.
Kim Basinger sostituì Jessica Lange, che nella vita reale era la moglie di Sam Shepard, ma al momento delle riprese era incinta.
Nel film i pazzi (fools) del titolo Fool for love, sono May ed Eddie ovver Kim Basinger e Sam Shepard.
Questo fu il primo film che Kim girò con Altman. Successivamente girò anche Ready To wear.
Il film partecipò al Festival di Cannes.
Il motel dove è stato girato il film è stato costruito appositamnete poco fuori Santa Fe, in New Mexico.
Durante l'intero film (May) Kim Basinger urla ben 14 volte
INCASSI: Boxofficemojo
PAROLA MIA: Fool For Love è un noiosissimo film country. Nonostante il film sia realmente brutto, noi la perdoniamo perché è veramente bella.
YEAR: 1985
DIRECTOR: Robert Altman
CAST: Kim Basinger, Sam Shepard
PLOT: May is waiting for her boyfriend in a run-down American motel, when an old flame turns up and threatens to undermine her efforts and drag her back into the life that she was running away from. The situation soon turns complicated.
The movie shooted in Las Vegas and in El Dorado was a big flop. The movie debuted on december 6-8 in 2 theaters. The movie grossed 836.156$
The reviews were really bad, but kim met Ron Britton. They get married later.
Robert Altman was nominated for the Palm D'or at Cannes Film Festival.
Kim Basinger replaced Jessica Lange as May. Lange was set to star opposite real-life partner Sam Shepard but became pregnant and the part had to be re-cast with Basinger stepping in.
In this film, the "fools" of the "Fool for Love" title, are the characters May and Eddie, and are played by Kim Basinger and Sam Shepard respectively.
The film was selected to screen in competition at the Cannes Film Festival in 1986.
The entire motel complex was a movie set constructed in a vacant block of land off a highway just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico in the USA.
First of two films that actress Kim Basinger made with director Robert Altman. The second and final collaboration was Ready to Wear around nine years later.
May (Kim Basinger) screams at least 14 times throughout the movie.
KIM'S SALARY:125.000$
BOXOFFICE: Boxofficemojo
MY REVIEW: The movie is a boring country story.
We Forgive Kim for this project because she's stunning, but Fool For Love is a really terrible film.